March 31, 2021

Our Events

Xtream 2020

Everyone was excited for this event,since it's widely known as an incredible event to attend ,there was a lot work and preparations behind the scenes such as logistics,looking for sponsors and others .An online was launched by the EB -due to the curfew - just an hour before the event started to chat and check-in on our members, then the coding competition begun .

For the next day,there was an on-campus meet where all health guidelines were respected .During that we did so many activities to to tighten our bonds together beside coding and solving problems such as Cards games and breaking ice games.

And we ended the competition online as well due to the current situation,it was fun yet our members tried their best  also they were helping each other on coding, giving each other new tips and tricks manifesting the true spirit of teamwork.

How To succeed your interview

Since the job interview is a crucial part to step into the professional world, we wanted our future engineers to be equipped with the right tools and mindset to succeed their job/internship interviews. That’s why we had Mr Kamoun ,one of the best in his field ,to share his lifetime knowledge with the audience and to enable them to win any interview starting with the preparing a CV that demonstrate your true potention to  how you speak and how to control your body language and much more


Knowing that public speaking is feared more than death itself, we needed to change that idea itself and to encourage young engineers to get out of their comfort zone since public speaking isn’t just a skill but a necessity to climb the career ladder. Coming from the STEM field, our international speaker Hiba Shabrouq ,who holds a Telecommunications Engineering bachelor degree AND a master’s degree in Business Entrepreneurship from PSUT-Jordan,knew exactly how to shake off any frustration or misinformation about public speaking,poviding our attendee with the practical tips and tricks that enabled her to be successful and achieve her goals since she is a TEDx speaker and a stevie award winner.



Learning Photoshop is essential if you work in a graphic design, web design, or user experience role. ... Whether creating flyers, brochures, or email newsletters, there is a need to know Photoshop for optimizing and retouching images,This powerful image-editing programme has taken the creative world by storm so no matter what your carreer is ,you need to learn it .Our dear speaker Farouk Djaziri ,who is Content Creation Manager in AIESEC,Marketing Member in ESRAR,Creative Thinker in HOT Prod trained our IEEE members on how to use this tool for their advantage,teaching them all the tricks to master this incredible programme .

LINUX : from zero to hero .

Electrical, mechanical,energy ... engineering student, linux is one of the qualifications that will make your CV outstand others.We,IEEE ENIM SB in a ONE OF A KIND collaboration with IEEE Young Professionals Tunisia Section ,invite you to attend our linux workshop,starting from the basics to mastering it ,all at your own pace and comfort .
the workshop will be held at ENIM ,during 4 days"two consecutive weekends",on 03/04/2021 and 04/04/2021 ,followed by another workshop on 10/04/2021 and 11/04/2021,7 hours a day maximum,including coffee breaks and the workshop materials you need.
So,what are u waiting for?! the places are limited so hurry up and sign up by filling this form: